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Calling the Anthropomorphic Cabinet // 04.07. - 05.07.22

A catalog presentation and exhibition in critical dialogue with Salvador Dali's "The Anthropomorphic Cabinet"; contributions by M Casey, Eva Döhne, Samuel Ferstl, Alexandra Grübler, Claudia Harss, Maike Hautz, Leo Hrytsak, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Nikos Katsampanis, Kiki Kouniari, Valentin P, S L, Susanna Schoenberg, Daniela Stöppel, touristgroup, Eva Tsagaraki, væ, Stela Vula, Lei Xi und Laura Ziegler

Opening on Mon, july 4th from 6pm with a Dj-set by Daniela Stöppel

Mediation program (open to all) on july 5th from 10 am - 3 pm

The catalog is kindly sponsored by the LFA Förderbank Bayern


Die Veranstaltungen in den Domagkateliers werden unterstützt vom
Kulturreferat der LH München

Ihr Atelierhaus am Domagkpark


DomagkAteliers - Städtisches Atelierhaus am Domagkpark
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky-Str.30 //80807 München
Bus 50 Alfred Arndt Str. - 2 Min
Tram 23 Domagkstraße - 5 Min
U 6 Alte Heide - 10 Min‍

 Wegbeschreibung mit Lageplan